Monday, July 31, 2006

Sisson Album

Here is a new alubm up for approval. Allison
and Cameron were a laid back couple and we
had a good time shooting.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Yeah, The site's back up!

The website is finally back up. I am so happy. I have had folks
interested in photography and I'm like, " Go to my.... oh, wait,
you can't". If you had images online for proofing and I didn't
restore them let me know and I will fix 'em.

We are going to Ikea ( in Atlanta) on Friday to buy furnature
for the new studio location. I am excited and am ready to
get things going. I'll post more on that when I get more.

Finally, we found out that Amanda is now 8 weeks pregnant!
We saw the ultrasound and I picked out the heartbeat, head,
and arm nubs (thats what they were at this point). We are

I'll post again soon.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another Ukraine Pic/My website's down

Here is a group of believers that we were with in
Ukraine. We were telling folks about Jesus door
to door. It is different than here. Folks there are
very open and want to invite you into thier homes.
Anyways, some of these kids are a Ukrainian missioinaries'
children, and some are kids from the neighborhood.
Like the men at the rehab house these folks have
joy. It is awesome to see. There is a difference btwn
happiness and joy. Happiness can come and go, it is
a feeling. You can still have joy in your hard times,
but there is only one who can give true joy.

Please don't pity these folks. That is not my intent
here. I'm sure they don't want it. I am not showing
these so you see a bunch of folks living in shacks and
feel sorry for them. Many of them have more contentment
then most people I see here. The bible tells us that in heaven
there will be people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. It
was cool to talk to, and be with folks that I will see again in
heaven. And then, we won't need an interpreter. = )

Oh yeah, my website is down for a few days. While
I was in Ukriane, my domain name expired. I am waiting
for them to fix it. So, I know that it is not working.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


There were not that many kids at the orphanage when I was there. They
were staying with folks from the church while we did construction there.
I saw and played with a few kids though. I brought them some chocolate
chip cookies and Laughy Taffy. They loved it.

A few pics from Kiev

We went to a market and bought some stuff while we were in Kiev. It is a city of
I think 4 million folks. We had a good time there.

Rehab house


These guys are awesome. A few of them were told that thier parents didn't want them anymore.
Many of them started drinking and doing drugs when they were kids. All of them have are now followers
of Christ, and are no longer on drugs. They live in this house and they have a joy that many folks I have
seen could only dream of. It was a pleasure to meet these guys and just hang out with them for a while.

Ukraine Post

God the Father taught me so much stuff on this trip.
He taught me to trust Him no matter what. He showed
me that I should not put Him in a box. We talked with
drunks, witches/warlocks, housewives, athiests, and
excommunists. Some of my teammates saw a possessed
woman be freed from demons (I know that some folks
will think I am crazy, but they weren't there). I have realized that the
name of Jesus is so much more powerful that I have ever

The following posts contain pic from the trip. Thanks
to all who provided money and prayer for the trip. I
pray God the Father would bless you for your sacrifice.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Letters from Ukraine

Today we worked at the orphanage. It was cool to see the kids there.
I met some young men and we communicated somewhat when the translator
was not there. Later on in the day I showed some of the folks in the
A/V department some stuff about RAW files and photoshop. They showed
me the cool movies and music videos that they produced. I had a good
time. This evening we went to a local believers' house and just talked
with folks. I told them how God forgave me of all the wrongs I did. We
encouraged brothers and sisters and they encouraged us. Tomorrow we are
going into town to go talk to folks about the Bad news and the good news.
I am excited about what we will be doing tomorrow. Some fellow believers
told us about demonic possession that had happened locally. I pray that
God will use me in any way possible. Alcoholism runs rampant here and folks
are overall depressed, but they are a very loving and caring people.

I hope to post again soon.
In Jesus,

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Long Post


I spent thursday night on a plane and did not really sleep.
But we went back 7 hours, so I really haven't had but maybe
7 hours of sleep in the last 36 hours. We rode a train from
7-5am yesterday-this morning. I listened to Russian techno
music coming out of the speaker on the sleeper car. It was
a stretching experience. We stayed in Kiev and walked around
yesterday and went to the market and bought some stuff. We
stayed on a house boat our first night in Kiev, it was cool.
My days are kind of running together right now. Tonight will
be my second night sleeping in a bed since we have been gone.
I gave my testimony today at a church service today and that
was cool to see how the folks interacted with me as I talked.
I also went to vist a drug rehab place today and talked with
some men. It was the best thing so far on the trip. I was
able to sit and laugh with these men who had horrible starts
in Life, but Jesus changed thier hearts. They live in what
we would consider an abandoned house. It has no running water
the have to walk about 50 yards with buckets to get water to
to dishes with, yet they did not complain once. The fellowship
we had with these guys was awesome and it was a humbling experience.
We are doing some public evangelism later this week as well as
working with orphans. That is an update. When I get back I will
post video/pics. I'll try to post again soon.

PS After the church service, they had a wedding, and it was unreal.
I got photos. You are allowed to walk all over the place and get
right up in there. I explained that in america you are not allowed
to do that and my interpreter (Sveta) thought that was the dumbest
thing ever. She said you want good pictures right? why would you
stay all the way in the back. = )

In Jesus,
the Name above all names

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Here are a few friends

We ran into some of our friends at the
peach festival. Chris, Billy, and Angela.
We met when Amanda and I worked at
a youth group together. It was strange
to see them all grown up. Man, it makes
me feel like an old guy. Oh, and I'm
making a wierd face.

Leaving on a jet plane......

I haven't had time to post many pics yet. Today is a busy day. I am packing, finishing up last
miniute work, and also having a meeting about renting a property for the business. I am leaving
tomorrow at around 12ish. I fly to Cincinati, New York, then to Kiev. Once in Kiev we have about
5 hours of waiting for the train. We then have a 10 hour train ride to Slavyansk, Ukraine. I am
ready to see God the Father push me out of my comfort zone. I will be documenting the trip,
working with orphans/street Kids, and sharing the word of God (maybe on the streets). Oh,
you can leave comments on here somehow. I know that on the other blog folks had a hard time
posting thier comments, but I think this one should be better.

John 3:3

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Heeeeeere's Blue

I just needed to try and post a picture so here is one I found of Bluefus.


Getting ready for the trip

I am leaving thursday and I am ready to go (almost).
I am finishing up some last minute work and am posting
a few things to the web gallery for viewing. Again, I hope
to post some videos from our trip and at least some pics.
If you need to see the old blog here is the address for it.
I like the look of this one more though.