Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ukraine Post

God the Father taught me so much stuff on this trip.
He taught me to trust Him no matter what. He showed
me that I should not put Him in a box. We talked with
drunks, witches/warlocks, housewives, athiests, and
excommunists. Some of my teammates saw a possessed
woman be freed from demons (I know that some folks
will think I am crazy, but they weren't there). I have realized that the
name of Jesus is so much more powerful that I have ever

The following posts contain pic from the trip. Thanks
to all who provided money and prayer for the trip. I
pray God the Father would bless you for your sacrifice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That is wonderful! Glad to hear you are home safely. We'll see you at the next PPSC.

5:52 PM  

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