Another Ukraine Pic/My website's down
Here is a group of believers that we were with in
Ukraine. We were telling folks about Jesus door
to door. It is different than here. Folks there are
very open and want to invite you into thier homes.
Anyways, some of these kids are a Ukrainian missioinaries'
children, and some are kids from the neighborhood.
Like the men at the rehab house these folks have
joy. It is awesome to see. There is a difference btwn
happiness and joy. Happiness can come and go, it is
a feeling. You can still have joy in your hard times,
but there is only one who can give true joy.
Please don't pity these folks. That is not my intent
here. I'm sure they don't want it. I am not showing
these so you see a bunch of folks living in shacks and
feel sorry for them. Many of them have more contentment
then most people I see here. The bible tells us that in heaven
there will be people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. It
was cool to talk to, and be with folks that I will see again in
heaven. And then, we won't need an interpreter. = )
Oh yeah, my website is down for a few days. While
I was in Ukriane, my domain name expired. I am waiting
for them to fix it. So, I know that it is not working.
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