Monday, August 14, 2006

Joey and Lindsay

Joey and Lindsay were a really fun couple. Real relaxed and always
excited about trying something new. It rained the night before and
the morning of the wedding, but I guess that just made the grass
nice and green. They should be in Hawaii right now sitting in the
sun. The wedding was at First Pres in Columbia. It was awesome
to work again with Chad from Rosewood, and Charlie from Charlie
Brown Entertainment. The Cake was provided by Parkland Cakes
and Catering. When you deal with awesome vendors, it makes the
wedding go by easier.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee....I cannot tell you how blessed we all feel to have found someone as wonderful as you to capture the memories of Lindsay and Joey's wedding. These pictures are just a sampling of your fantastic work. All of these are great, but I really love the ones of Lindsay holding the door with Larry outside because I know she was telling him that she loved him, then the one of Uncle Earl is just wonderful and the last one of Larry and Lindsay dancing really shows the love they feel for each other. You have captured the true feelings of this, joy and happiness. Kathy was really worried that I would not want to do anything but be your assistant during the wedding! Guess I fooled her! You really are wonderful and I will recommend you to everyone! Thank you again for making this a wonderful event. Love, Peg Blanton

6:12 PM  

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