Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Trey and Lindsay

Here we go. I am happy to work with folks that are easy going and
love to have fun. I tell folks that we aren't a good fit for everyone
when we first talk for a reason. The reason: If you aren't having
fun, then the pictures will be Bleechh! Trey and Lindsay are one
of those couples who are fun and easy to work with. Trey is real
laid back and open for anything. Lindsay was all smiles.

Ok, for the specifics
The wedding took place at St. Andrew Pres
Ms Frazee helped to hold down the fort (she rocks).
The ceremony was at The Columbia Metropolitan
Convention Center. The cake was done by Ms.
Connie White. Finally, the band "Gaston" kept
things moving. We even had a few special appearences
from guest preformers. = )

Here are a few teasers:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Pictures,for one of the greatest days of our life.......Can't wait to see the rest..Lee you were the best...We really appreciate all your hard work and phenominal talent. Jane & Ted Gantt

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee you are truly talented! We are eztremely pleased with the pictures. We can"t stop looking at the pictures>.... and reliving the momnt.....well, almost :) Awesome job of capturing the spirit of the night!!

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last post was from both Kim and Mike Taylor - happy parents of the Bride and new Son_in-Law

6:15 PM  

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