Thursday, September 28, 2006

Greenville, here I come.

I am on my way to Greenville tomorrow. I will be there for about
a week at the PPofSC convention. If I have anything good to vodcast,
then I will put it on here. I will be back on Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'm goiing out of town.

I'm going to the Professional Photographers of SC conference this friday, and
will be gone until Tuesday. If you need to contact me just call or email, but
I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to you.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm going to have a Son!

We found out this morning that we
are going to have a boy! Amanda
went out and bought some baby
clothes and has called everyone
we know. I'll have to find a really
small pair of Hockey skates (you
have to start them young) and
maybe a hockey stick. As you
guessed this blog will be flooded
with pictures soon.

In Jesus.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Tyler is down! Tyler is down!

Many of you have met my sidekick Tyler Laliberte at
weddings or doing other shoots. So I go to his Hockey
game yesterday(championship game), and with 23ish
seconds to go he takes a bad fall into the boards. He
wound up damaging some AC something in his shoulder.
Basically, right where your clavical meets your shoulder.
So I had to take him to the emergency room to get it looked
at. Emeregency rooms are Boooring, but thankfully he didn't
dislocate his shoulder. What makes it even worse is that his
team lost by 1 goal. =(

Friday, September 15, 2006

Daniel & Sarah's Album Preview

Here it is ya'll. Have at it.

Click me


Monday, September 11, 2006

I'm going to be a dad? Me?

It kind of hit me today. I'm going to be a dad. Whoa. Me, a dad. The guy who makes
up silly songs and does funny dances still, a dad. I rode a scooter down a hill going really
fast the other day. The scooter was built for an 7-12 year old, me a dad. I like to wrestle
and be silly, I guess those can be good dad qualities. I am not really an old dude, but I
guess young guys are dads too. It has definately made me think more about my responsibilities
since hearing about my son (we are not sure, but I'm thinking son until shown
otherwise). I know I can not handle the responsibility on my own. John 16 tells us about
the Holy Spirit and how he will guide us into all truth. In the context of the passage Jesus
is talking about the role of the Holy Spirit, and what He will do. I know that God is also
concerned about our everyday lives. I am able to raise my child if I stay close to Christ.
If I don't, I will raise him/her in my own strength, and that is not good. I think it is interesting
how folks think of themselves today. Our culture tells us that we should be strong, proud, wise, self-reliant,
independant, "Have it our way", selfish and our that our knowledge is increaseing all the time. God's word tells
us that we should be humble, patient, dependent upon God, realize/acknowledge our frailties, and put others'
needs above our own.

Just a few thoughts.........

John 15:4-5
"Abide in Me, and I in you(Jesus speaking). As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine,
so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him,
he bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."

In Jesus...... or as they say in Ukraine eezus.
Slava Bog

Gantt/Taylor Album Preview

Here it is.

One weirdness though, my software has a glitch in it somehow.
The formals of Trey & also the formals of the families both have
really big white lines around them. They are not like this in the
album. I'm not sure how to fix this, so...........

Click me

Friday, September 08, 2006


It is 1:32 in the morning on Saturday and I am wide awake. I
don't know what is going on here, but I'm just not sleepy. I
got a couple of new toys to play with (new camera flashes,
umbrellas, electrical do-dads) and I keep having ideas about
how to use them. The dogs are asleep in thier crates, the house
is silent, and I'm just a typing. Oh well.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm trying to get a picture of me in my profile......

so I have to post it on my blog first.
Anyways, this is the winner. Folks
seemed to like this one the most.

Amanda and I

We were out on a date night last monday and we
got a few of the pics taken in one of those photo
machines. I think my wife is silly. I guess pregnancy
does that to a lady. (just kidding) We have date night
every monday evening, so if you call, chances are I
won't be in touch

Monday, September 04, 2006

Daniel & Sarah

Man, what can I say about last saturday's wedding. I had a blast and
the folks there did to. I've worked with Daniel's mom and dad at separate
weddings and Sarah was a bridesmaid(and roomate of a bride) at an earlier wedding this year.
Daniel and Sarah are ideal clients, and they were ok with trying a few
things. They were married at Rosewood Baptist Church. They
had their reception at Leaside, and once again, Rosewood did their