Monday, October 30, 2006

ESPN College Gameday Pics!

Here are some images from the College Gameday
shoot. It was loads of fun! We saw a few friends, and
clients in the crowd. We confiscated a ladder and stood
it next to the stage so that we could shoot past the
large camera on a boom. We met another local photographer
who was pretty cool. It is funny b/c I am a hockey fan, and
don't really follow college football. So folks were telling me
about how awesome of a gig this was. It was definitely a
good time.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

ESPN College Gameday Baby!

So, thanks to Tre Love @ All American Imaging, we (Lucas and I) are going
to be shooting ESPN College Gameday this Saturday at USC. I don't know
all of the details yet, but I know we will be photographing the announcers
and maybe some headshots or something. It's funny b/c I don't really follow
college football, b/c I'm a hockey fan. But everyone seems to say that this
is an awesome gig, so cool! Well, just thought I'd mention it. We haven't
even gotten our business finalized and God keeps bringing us more awesome
assingments. I believe it is just confirmation on what we should be doing.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Family Portrait Session-ish (that's for you Adam)

I photographed Adam, Landon, Kelly, Madison, and Carla
yesterday. They were troopers b/c of the wind coming
off of the lake, and the fact that it caused a little boogie
action on the kids = ). Then we went in and warmed up
and kept going.

Here are the teasers:

Off road Golf Carting at a wedding?

Man, we had a blast at Dustin and Erin's wedding this
past Saturday! I knew once I shot their engagements
and Erin's bridal portrait that it was going to be good.
Lucas Brown shot with me (we are uniting our business soon)
and we came up with a ton of awesome stuff! It helps
when clients are having fun and want to keep shooting.
Tyler (my assistant) loved driving the golf cart while
Lucas and I hung on and tried to shoot Dustin and Erin,
without falling off.

any ways, here are the teasers:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Patrick & Sarah's Album Preview

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Patrick & Sarah

Here are a few teasers,

New Logo?

So we have a few ideas on the new logo.
I think we are digging red, so let me know
what you are thinking. You can post a comment
on the bottom of this post.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Barrs/McCormick Album

Here it is!

Click me

Monday, October 09, 2006

Gone to Georgia

I went to Georgia this morning to do a photo
shoot. I met Michael, his parents, and grandparents.
We had a good time and everyone was a hoot to work
with! You should have seen all of the parents hoping
up and down trying to get Michael to laugh. Here are
a few portraits from the session.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Our friends

We went up to see our friends Scott and Bonnie a few weeks ago,
b/c they were going to have a baby. Of course I had to take my
camera along and wound up getting a few shots of the couple
of days there.

Scott and Joel sitting around waiting for Evan to

Joel must have lost something.

Joel was excited

here's Evan!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Who are those fellas?

Lucas Brown and I went to the awards dinner last night,
and we had to get all dressed up. It's been a while, but
it went well. We had to take a few pictures to prove to
our wives that we still have it (even though I have a weird
look on my face in both pics) Please excuse the direct
flash on the pic of me though. I left my other camera at home.
Lucas and I tried to get a little artsy, but I guess there's
not too much that you can do with a point and shoot.